Monday, May 31, 2004

Bush-Cheney caught with pants ablaze

Some facts from the Washington Post:

Kerry did not question the war on terrorism, has proposed repealing tax cuts only for those earning more than $200,000, supports wiretaps, has not endorsed a 50-cent gasoline tax increase in 10 years, and continues to support the education changes, albeit with modifications.

Scholars and political strategists say the ferocious Bush assault on Kerry this spring has been extraordinary, both for the volume of attacks and for the liberties the president and his campaign have taken with the facts. Though stretching the truth is hardly new in a political campaign, they say the volume of negative charges is unprecedented -- both in speeches and in advertising.

Three-quarters of the ads aired by Bush's campaign have been attacks on Kerry.

There you have it: The Bush-Cheney campaign lies like a rug.

And when 75 percent of the BC04 advertising is negative, it simply proves their own record is indefensible: they can't run on it. So they're attacking John Kerry's record -- and lying about it as well.


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