Banana Republic(ans)
This is truly frightening:
U.S. officials have discussed the idea of postponing Election Day in the event of a terrorist attack on or about that day....Newsweek said the discussions about whether the November 2 election could be postponed started with a recent letter to Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge from DeForest Soaries Jr., chairman of the U.S. Election Assistance Commission....
Soaries, who was appointed by President Bush, is a former New Jersey secretary of state and senior pastor of the 7,000-member First Baptist Church of Lincoln Gardens in Somerset. Newsweek reported that Soaries expressed concern that no federal agency had the authority to postpone an election and asked Ridge to ask Congress to give his commission such power.
This nation went forward with elections during the Civil War and World War II. Now we've got a Baptist minister--appointed by George W. Bush--seeking the authority to postpone an election? Does anyone else think this reeks to high heaven?
First they steal* an election; now they want the power to shut down an election. Tactics of this ilk are employed by banana-republic dictators.
*Yes, they stole it. Only in Bush v. Gore have the Supremes found it necessary to state that their decision was NOT to be considered a legal precedent, but was to be applied one time only -- tacitly admitting that it was a politically expedient load of crap, perpetrated by a 5-4 vote.
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