Friday, August 27, 2004

Kerry nails the real flip-flopper

And gets a standing ovation. From the AP:

Kerry...defended himself from Republican charges that he wavers in his convictions on major issues.

"It's standard Republican playbook," Kerry said in response to a voter's question. "They just say it, and if you spend enough money and say it enough, people like you are going to ask the question."

Kerry said Bush has been the one flip-flopping over the last four years — standing against the Homeland Security Department, then embracing it; fighting against the Sept. 11 commission, then endorsing it; promising to fund his new education law, then failing to.

After his response got a standing ovation, Kerry said, "That's why it would be great to be talking about this every week."

Now THAT's taking the fight to the enemy. Way to go, Big John.


At September 8, 2004 at 4:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't forget refusing to testify before that 9/11 commission, then giving in (but only if he could bring a friend)


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