Bush: My base is 'the haves -- and the have-mores'
I have a love-hate relationship with Michael Moore. All too often, his valid criticisms get lost in the uproar over his intemperate public statements. This time, however, he's performed a public service.
Some time ago, I read about a GOP fundraising dinner at which George W. Bush told the audience, "This is an impressive group: the haves and the have-mores. Some people call you the elite. I call you my base."
Moore's got that priceless moment ON FILM, and you can see it in the trailer for his new documentary, "Fahrenheit 911." Do yourself a favor and check it out.
I don't want to hear one more word about what a "regular guy" George W. Bush is. The film clip demolishes that myth once and for all. It shows the real Dubya -- firmly aligned with the wealthy and powerful, and installed by them to serve their interests. There's a class war going on, all right -- and the middle class is losing out to the well-heeled.
I wish moveon.org or the Media Fund would get hold of that film clip, make an ad out of it, and plaster it all over the airwaves between now and November.
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