Molly Ivins goes to Canada...
...where they can't figure out what the hell is wrong with about 45% of the American electorate:
What is most striking to me every time I visit this country is how much more Canadians know about the United States and the rest of the world than many Americans do.
Because they are generally less provincial than we and certainly pay more attention to world news, they are acutely aware of how much the Bush administration has increased anti-Americanism around the globe. That's why so many of them are stupefied at the idea he might be re-elected: They perceive him as having done great harm to his own country.
So here I am trying to explain to these politely astonished people how Americans could vote for George W. Bush.
How, indeed? And the other pertinent question is: How in the hell can anyone be "undecided" at this point?
The biggest surge of anti-americanism in the past century occurred just after WW2. Europe hated us, especially France, for obvious reasons...No one in this world is a gracious beneficiary of US aid. Never will be. Damned if we do...So, now the remaining superpower is going to try to correct a few faults, reap a little justifiable vengeance and re-set the board for a safer, in her eyes, world. New American Century? Why not, no one else is up to the task, and everyone hates the Boss, no matter what...Democrats, last time I looked, own a lot of cars.
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