Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Pierce: You wanted him, you got him. Now you can live with the consequences.

Charlie Pierce speaks for me:

As Mo Udall once put it, the people have spoken, goddamn them.....

The country voted for these guys with its eyes open.  Let us hear no complaining about "bait and switch," and a "uniter, not a divider," and on and on and on.  It even returned a national legislature consonant with the incumbent's agenda. There will be permanent tax cuts that will institutionalize a national debt that will force some sort of evisceration of Social Security and Medicare. There will be continued military adventurism in the Middle East. There will be Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz and Chief Justice Antonin Scalia. There will be more lying and more vengeance.

So let there be no whining when your husband's National Guard obligation leaves him under fire for six extra months, or when Granny and Gramps are eating cat food, or when it become increasingly impossible to meet the economic needs of the middle-class family.

No complaining. None of it.

You wanted this guy. Now you have him, unleashed.


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